"Behold, I bring glad tidings..."
Today is Christmas eve! It seems like this year, and especially this month has just flown by. Preparations for tomorrow are busily being seen to around the house. Pies are being baked, meals being planned, the last of the presents being wrapped, and in some cases, all of the Christmas shopping being done (that would be Alex). The climax of my night, midnight Mass, is drawing ever closer and with it my excitement builds. I can hardly wait.
As we celebrate this wonderful feast, it is wonderful to think of what the gifts under the tree symbolize. For me, it helps me to think about the blessings that I have received all this year past. I am thankful for so many things (especially this year), and constantly stand in awe at the greatness of our God.
With hope and prayers that you may be wonderfully blessed at this time and always, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!