Ho Hum Diddly Dee
When will I ever get the hang of trying to post on a regular basis?!?! Probably never. But then if I did post more regularly, you guys wouldn’t have the suspense of wondering when the next episode produced by the tips of my fingers would be available for your reading pleasure. And that wouldn’t be any fun, now would it? Of course it wouldn’t! The element of surprise always makes things so much more fun. And were would we be without suprises in life. We’d be leading a boring life, and faith wouldn’t be justified. Because suprises, especially the pleasant ones, are what faith is for. Now that’s a very superficial view of it, but it works.
Anyway, I have been extremely busy of the past few weeks, mostly with preparations for my upcoming trip to Germany ( at the exact moment I’m writing this, its only 4 days, 13 hours, and 19 minutes until I leave)*, of which I am excitedly looking forward to. But now as it draws near, I’m getting really anxious about getting everything ready and starting to wish that I had just a little more time to prepare. And also just to savor the idea of going a little bit longer. But alas I do not, and I must make due with the time that I have left. Admittedly it is my own fault, as I’ve known I was going since day, ever imprinted on my memory and which seems like just last week , when we heard the words “Habemus Papem!”. But its just been at the back of my mind, and I waited until the last minute to really start getting all of the details figured out.
This last weekend, we had the annual Our Lady of Divine Grace Homeschool picnic, which is something that I look forward to every year as a chance to catch up with people I haven’t seen in awhile, and play really hard. This year, both of those were in full force, as I think we had a new record with eighty people in attendance. We played many games, including Ultimate Frisbee and Capture the Flag, both of which happen to be my favorite outdoor games.
One of the most memorable, and for the record the most scarring, event of the day happened whist we were playing capture the flag. A good portion of each team had invaded the others side, and was frantically trying to achieve the goal of the game. I was playing defense, and was attempting to guard Deirdre, Grace, and Rose who had gotten into the safe zone around my teams flag. Much to my chagrin and utter surprise, as Rose grabbed the flag, Deirdre suddenly threw herself on me in the fashion of one who is giving a very passionate, meaningful embrace, of which the other party normally reciprocates in much the same fashion. Only I didn’t reciprocate, and she didn’t let go. In an attempt to try and tag the person who had the flag, I tried running, which didn’t work, and then attempted to pick Deirdre up so that I could. Again I was foiled. But so was the other team, as my team fantastically seized the others flag and made a dash for victory. And so ended that episode, which has forever scarred me. I don’t think I will ever be able to take affectionate attention from a girl in the future without relapsing into the problems that plague me now from this episode. Curse you Deirdre for giving me a complex! *Shakes fist in air*
After the picnic, most of the guys came over to our house for a sleepover. Which is all we did! Nothing but a whole night of doing manly things like burping, cooking and sleeping outdoors, and spending hours just doing stupid guy things. We got to sleep out under the stars, which is something I haven’t done for a whole year. Its amazing how easily it is to take the beauty of the heavens for granted. Everybody should have a chance to go out and gaze at the stars at least once a week, just for their own health. Seriously, I mean it!
I’m afraid I must end this brief summary, so that I may get to the library and get this posted today before I go flying. Please pray for me as I’m over in Germany, and know that I will be praying for all of you. God Bless!
*Author's note: I actually didn't post this on the day that I had intended, and so therefore the actual time I have left until Germnay from the time I am posting this is 3 days, 13 hours and 30 minutes.